Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Peer Reviewed Biased Story

Bias notes on Can Self-interest be a good thing?

I wrote a story about how Self-interest will bring benefit to nation's economy. I gave it to other classmates to analyze for biases.

they told my I'm unfair in some ways:
1. Bias by omission: I omitted moral side on my writing. I did not say anything about self-interest might lead people to do immoral things such as corruption. In addition, a self interested person might try to reach their ambitions in dirty ways.

2.Bias by selection of source: I mentioned Adam Smith, Father of Economics as a witness for my writing because I am curious about some ideas of his book, " The Wealth of Nation".

3.Bias by spin: I explain that self-interest is natural. It could be a good thing because people will develop their ability to conquer their goals. In fact, self-interest could be a bad thing for those people who care about moral sentiment in society.

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