Monday, June 22, 2015

The Implicit Association Test and The Political Compass Test: Capital is power!

The Implicit Association Test helped us to study implicit biases inside our mind but The Political Compass Test told us our points of political ideology.

The Implicit Association Test (IAT) is the project system that shows pictures and words. it will appear one by one and we just press our side automatically on the keyboard.

The Political Compass Test has six pages of questions. It uses ideology statements and test takers have to answer on a scale from Strong Agree to Strong Disagree.

I took Gender-Science. My result for Gender-Science suggested that I prefer women with science over man with liberal-art.

The Political Compass Test placed me in Authoritarian Right.

I believe that I wouldn't have biases on Men-Women with science. It might be  past experience affects my mind. I never studied with male teacher in primary school. For the result of Political Compass test, I didn't surprise that I received Authoritarian Right because I'm passionately curious about economics. I created my Facebook fan page about economics and finance for Lao people since last February. I also believe that the strong military will make a country become more powerful.

I didn't found connection of my biases and my political ideology. I suppose it couldn't relate to each other.

If you interest in The Implicit Association Test, then click this link:

If you take The Political Compass Test, click the link below:

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